My first day.
Well, It's my first day as part of the "Blogging" World, I figure it must be quite the thing to do these days, seeing as it was even talked about at graduation. (In case you didn't know I graduated from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, April 30*). So, here it is. No promises on how long I'll keep it up, but I will try to maintain!
THESE DAYS: Well, Right now I'm in my spring semester and am mentoring at a local HS. It has definately been a learning experience for me. In a matter of weeks I've been able to 1)go back into a HS (got out 4 years ago and have never gone back!) 2) spend some time with some very cool and unique kids 3) started thinking about "how much freedom is too much?" and a whole slew of other topics that coincide with that idea and, 4)wondered what HS would have been like for me if I had been the person I am now, then! (Although, it would be hard to be the person I am now without having been the person I was then, first...)
On the job end, I just reached the TWO YEAR mark with Domino's on the 2nd, which is quite the accomplishment for me :) It's been a good two years, and I am extremely thankful to have ended up in such a flexible place (schedule wise) that has so many cool events and opportunities. Not to mention the fact that they are helping me to raise money for my upcoming trip, which makes me feel great!
THE PLAN: As many of you know, I am planning on moving to Honduras at the end of August. This is a huge leap on my part seeing as I'm not always that excited about big changes (terrified is more like it, and this is no minor change!) . It doesn't really help that getting information out of the people in honduras is about as easy as making mud clean, but If things aren't worked out during the month that I'm at the language school I will come up with alternative plans (i.e, staying in Copan and volunteering). Regardless, I've realized that none of this can really be done from Michigan. I just need to get down there and work things out from that end... If you are interested, check out the links for the 2 schools I am considering or
Whatever ends up happening, I imagine (and hope) that this will turn out to be a meaningful and exciting adventure with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow
Hmmm, what else, what else.....I have so much I could talk about, but I'll try to keep this relatively short. No point in catching you up on the last 22 years of my life, right??? i'll just keep things relevant to daily life .... SO, bookmark this page and come back often!!!!
With love,
*oh yeah, ps, I'm not "technically" a graduate until September since I'm finishing up my last two classes, BUT after that I'll be a "certified" psychologist/cultural anthropologist/theologist! (no need to correct me on the accuracy of that statement, I'm sure it was wrong SOMEWHERE along the line!)
THESE DAYS: Well, Right now I'm in my spring semester and am mentoring at a local HS. It has definately been a learning experience for me. In a matter of weeks I've been able to 1)go back into a HS (got out 4 years ago and have never gone back!) 2) spend some time with some very cool and unique kids 3) started thinking about "how much freedom is too much?" and a whole slew of other topics that coincide with that idea and, 4)wondered what HS would have been like for me if I had been the person I am now, then! (Although, it would be hard to be the person I am now without having been the person I was then, first...)
On the job end, I just reached the TWO YEAR mark with Domino's on the 2nd, which is quite the accomplishment for me :) It's been a good two years, and I am extremely thankful to have ended up in such a flexible place (schedule wise) that has so many cool events and opportunities. Not to mention the fact that they are helping me to raise money for my upcoming trip, which makes me feel great!
THE PLAN: As many of you know, I am planning on moving to Honduras at the end of August. This is a huge leap on my part seeing as I'm not always that excited about big changes (terrified is more like it, and this is no minor change!) . It doesn't really help that getting information out of the people in honduras is about as easy as making mud clean, but If things aren't worked out during the month that I'm at the language school I will come up with alternative plans (i.e, staying in Copan and volunteering). Regardless, I've realized that none of this can really be done from Michigan. I just need to get down there and work things out from that end... If you are interested, check out the links for the 2 schools I am considering or
Whatever ends up happening, I imagine (and hope) that this will turn out to be a meaningful and exciting adventure with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow
Hmmm, what else, what else.....I have so much I could talk about, but I'll try to keep this relatively short. No point in catching you up on the last 22 years of my life, right??? i'll just keep things relevant to daily life .... SO, bookmark this page and come back often!!!!
With love,
*oh yeah, ps, I'm not "technically" a graduate until September since I'm finishing up my last two classes, BUT after that I'll be a "certified" psychologist/cultural anthropologist/theologist! (no need to correct me on the accuracy of that statement, I'm sure it was wrong SOMEWHERE along the line!)
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