The Post-Grad Adventure

Hopefully an easier way to keep people updated on my post-graduate adventures!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

mass chaos

Well, It's official. I'm stressed and I'm worrying. The good news is that I'm not as bad as I could be, which I credit to the Psych & Consciousness class, which was one of my best ever...two months after and I still feel peaceful and more at ease with myself and life in general. BUT here's the "problem"...I have lost most of my confidence in the Organization (the CCD) that I was planning on working with for the next 6-12months of my life...for various reasons...which leaves me with an unextinguishable desire to go to Central America to volunteer and no place to go! The next plan was to go to Copan, do the school, then hang out and find something there...a plan that is still feasible but with a few "set-backs", SAFETY. The 2005 Let's Go guide book says "!!! Under no circumstances should women ever travel alone in Honduras", well, great, that scares me a little..."Armed gang members are a more common sight than Police Officers (in tegucigalpa)", ok, I'm scared. Between those comments and all the other warnings about robbery, sexual/physical assault, gang violence, etc I'm hesitating on booking a solo trip to save the World without any organizational backing/guidance. Sooooo, of course, I'm scrambling for a plan G (yes, g, i'ts not like this is my second time revising this damn trip). I've found some cool possibilities in Costa Rica (YAY, such a beautiful, and "safer" place). There's a couple orgn'z that I'm considering but as usual there's the issue of MONEY. Ladies and Gentlemen, VOLUNTEERING IS NOT CHEAP...go figure. My options now are:

  1. Work a conservation farm, saving Turtles and plants, and maybe even dolphins. Sounds exciting (For years I wanted to be a vet.) Drawback, is I'm somewhat of a city girl and the idea of living in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and few people with few places to go.
  2. Work at an Orphanage for 3 months with World Endeavors (appx 2,500 + air). Would probably end up in a remote area with challenging work, but I think it would be rewarding, and if it doesn't work out, it's short term. $200 application fee (used towards cost IF accepted) and NO insurance
  3. Intern/Volunteer for 3 months with Global Crossroad, hopefully in an orphanage (appx 3,000 + air). Seems similar to above, but probably close to the Capital, San Jose . $200 application fee (used towards cost if accepted) WITH insurance.
  4. Work in a hotel or restaurant (possibly teaching english) with I-to-I (appx 1,250 + air, BUT paid about 200-400/mo for living expenses). Straight forward. WOrking in hotel or restaurant. Could be fun, would be good for my spanish, but not very effective for making positive changes in the World.
  5. 12 months teaching with World Teach, a Harvard run program (appx 5,000). Great program, really my best bet. Covers airfare, health insurance, a one month orientation/training in Costa Rica, transportation, housing, meals, $75/mo stipend. Placed in a community in CR to teach and run english clubs.
  6. Work In Ecuador...just found it today through U of M, looks ok, could do a year on about 5000 and do a bunch of different programs.
  7. there's a few more things out there, but I'm tired of writing about them! All I know is that you readers need to start sending me money... :)

ok...that's good for this post.


At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did World Teach Ecuador. Good support, and one of the best years of my life.


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