The Prophet
Alissa X
April 14, 2005
Psych & Consciousness Journal: The Prophet
And then a woman spoke, saying , Tell us of Love and Letting Go. And he said: It is often said that love, whether it be between friends, lovers or family, can move mountains, but love, great love can also drag you to your knees. It can at times be the most painful experience of your existence, often when it comes time to say goodbye and walk-away; willfully or not, for a short time or forever. I must tell you that it may be painful but valuable nonetheless to understand that not every person we meet and fall-in love with was meant to be in our lives forever, some were only meant to be around for a short time. Take this to heart and remember that when the separation is to be permanent you must move on and try not to think about what might have been; that was then and this, this is now; do not carry the burdens and pains of the past. And it should be known, that when leaving is for only a matter of time, remember that a great and true love never dies, it may like the butterfly change its forms, but it never escapes you. So, when you are apart, hold it near and dear to your heart, let it make you smile and laugh like a child without a care in the World when you are alone, but under no circumstances ever let it go. Even when the separation is because of death, let the love and happy moments carry you through the darker ones, and know that you do not have to continue hearing “I love you” to know that you were and are loved, because love is more than words, its something you already know.
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