The Post-Grad Adventure

Hopefully an easier way to keep people updated on my post-graduate adventures!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Week 1

Well, some of my most exciting news is that Sean *another student* has taught me how to make a question mark!! WHOO HOOO! ???????? :) Well, the kids event was great! They loved me and i loved them. Of course, they loved me EVEN MORE when i was passing out marshmellows and juice (you better believe that I was tapping into the marshmellow bowl...but i WARNED them that it was gonna happen! So i don't htink i'll go to marshmellow hell for taking candy from kids) Also ran into the director of the bilingual school and made plans to come work at the school, should start next tuesday...anyways, went dancing at the club with some friends that night and got some merengue in. and hopped into the pool to cool off. Sunday i read a book while sitting out in cenral park (an extremely beautiful and well kept place with gardens around it) after returning home my host sister Carmen took me for ice cream, then a walk around the hotel she works at, then to meet the peace corp girl that lives with her brother camillo, but she wasn't home, after i watched TV with her and her Boyfriend Victor. Moonday i started morning classes, and wasn't quite awake! Later in the park while reading again a handsome stranger asked me if i would like to ride some horses up to the mountain (quieres montar un caballo?) ummmm, no gracias! BUT we did end up talking for the next few hours, don't have enough time to cover it all but we went for along walk to the Ruins today (which is currently occupied by the indigenous people, protesting throughout the country, you could probably google it..._) and then to the river...his name is Saúl and my informal spanish teacher and conversation partner. I'm aboout to head off to wash up before dinner and then meeting saúl for more conversation in the park. For all of you that are now worrying, don't. I got your emails on ruphies and sterilization!
with love
* ps, i need to go shoe shopping soon for sandals, mine stink! and aren't very cute with my skirts! My host sister said we could go to San Pedro Sula in order to shop because its cheaper, but i', thinking the 20=40 dollars in busfare could buy a few pairs of shoes in itself! Not to mention the safety!


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