The Post-Grad Adventure

Hopefully an easier way to keep people updated on my post-graduate adventures!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Week TWO

Well, things are going very well here. September is a good month to be in copan because there are many holidays, and yesterday was Independence day. Spent all morning wathcing bands and kids marching. After the mornings activites i met up with Saúl (José Saúl) for a walk in the mountains. Which wsa amazing. I asked him why the mountains and he said it was because i already knew the city, so i needed to do something different. It was fun. He´s been here all his life and is a member at a big close'knit church here so the whole way up he´s saying hi to people. Abput half way up we stopped at a small Tienda (store) to talk to the owners, pick up his sunglasses he lent their daughter while she marched and bougth me a drink then sat there for an hour and watched a movie then continued on our journey. We ended up at a river, thats full of GIGANTIC rocks which we climbed out to and layed on to listen to the river. Before some of you start to get weird on me, just know that my host mom and teachers approve of this young man, they say he is BUEN EDUCADO Y MUY INTELIGENTE (well mannered-well'raised-respectable and intelligent) Therefore a good friend to have.
Hmmm, other that that, watched President Bushs speech last night and some Jon Stewert. They get good TV down here! Been walking through town and reading and classes are going well. Have a dance class this afternoon and then probably not much else than hanging out with Saul. I wouldn´t mind going to a bar but this kid doesn´t drink, and some of the other people i know are sick but i might find some other people later. I need to start planning a trip though, because i have to renew my visa in 2 weeks and i´ll probably end up in Guatemala assuming i find people to go with because i really don´t want to go alone. Worse comes to worse i could just PAY to renew my visa, but a trip sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more exciting! RIght!? Well, not sure what else i should say. With so little time, my mind is just racing. Oh, i did buy shoes. Theyre cute. Were about 9-10 dollars, but at least i have more variety and less stink (i bleached the others! but with all the rain they won´t stay stink free for long) OHHHHHHHHH, i killed my first cockroach! Improvement right??? The one before that i screamed for Victor (my host sisters boyfriend) to kill it while i held my bedroom door shut. Also, the other day i was in the bathroom (again) when i looked over and saw something jump. Scared the sh!! outta me and realized it was a toad. HUGE one. well i tried to chase him outta my room because even though i´m not scared, i am NOT touching him! Well, he went under the bed and wouldn´t come out, so i told my mom and sister that i had a new pet. Well the dad came in and moved the bed and whddya know TWO frogs hiding out under there. I woulda left em since they eat my enemies, but i was afraid they might try to sleep in the bed with me!
Ok, i better get going.
With Love


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