I'm on cloud 9.... I'm on cloud 9!
Today is a wonderful day! I have yet to receive a letter from U of M, BUT, they let the cat out of the bag a little early…Here’s how it played out….. I came in to work this morning and was checking my email. There was one saying that I needed to “reactivate my uniquename” and at first I thought it may have been some type of spam, since I already have a uniquename with them, one that worked just fine yesterday. I opened the e-mail and could barely concentrate because it was giving me the impression that I had been accepted. So, now my heart wasn’t beating and I rushed to the U of M prospective student site to see if my application page had any updates and it no longer said “under review” it said “YOU HAVE ACCEPTED ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY”!!!!!! At this point I wasn’t even breathing and just made some grunting noise since I couldn’t even get out “oh my god”. I grabbed my phone and I ran downstairs and called my mom. I barely got out “I got in” before I started crying. Well, the crying kept going for quite some time. Every time I called somebody, I’d cry some more. I think my dad’s heart stopped as I called and barely got out a pathetic “daddy” and then just cried…I’m sure he thought something awful happened to me or Eva, maybe both… When I got back up to my desk, I cried more, for my coworkers and boss to see! OK, maybe it sounds crazy to cry so much over an acceptance, BUT, you have to understand that I have been waiting since AUGUST to hear something and with every communication my hope for getting in dwindled, they were receiving soooooooo many applications and there are ONLY 55 spots. Not only that, but I have so much riding on this, this is going to change my life, and my daughter’s. They were tears of pure joy and relief! Well, now I just have to wait for the official letter to come in the mail, and hopefully there is a package of information about the program and what to expect, because I still don’t have much idea of what the heck I’ve just gotten myself into!!! Crazy, right?
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