week 4...almost
Well, it´s been awhile since I´ve been on here. Been a bit busy and tired. Yesterday, i layed down for a nap around 530,6pm and woke up around 9pm and read for an hour or so then went back to sleep til 530am. (Ignoring the fact that i had to meet someone at 730 pm!)...anyways, let´s start with SATURDAY...my wish was granted, i did not spend all night in the park. I WENT to the park a bit late and ran into one of the other teachers (Matt) and went with him and Logan for a drink at a bar, then we walked to VIA VIA for more people and more drinks (Rum and Cokes for me) and then i ended up with a large group of people at a dance-karaoke club til 230am. Let me tell you, after 3, 4 rum and cokes (heavy on the rum) my spanish is pretty darn good! ANyways, all went well and returned safely to my house. SUNDAY i met the latest and greatest LOVES OF MY LIFE...yes, ladies and gentlemen, i have been granted access to a private and VERY beautiful CRYSTAL CLEAR BLUE POOL!!!!! I was in heaven....a great book, good sun, and perfect water. Pretty much took the day to myself to relax and read. I was about to say i don´t remember MONDAY but of course it´s all coming back to me now....for those of you that are easily dissapointed in me, please ski`p below a few sentences....well, monday, there was NO power, and i had NOOOO water (did i mention i didn´t shower sunday?!?!) so i took my dirty self for a walk through the stores (it was SUPER SUPER HOT) and ended up in the pool again, after, while walking, i ran into a guy i met during karaoke (MY host moms nephew) who was in the ¨grocery store¨(i really REALLY use that loosely, its the size of someones living room with limited stuff) a few doors down from my house...WELL his brother owns the store and they were sitting in the front around the door drinking. Well had me sitting at the door talking when next thing i know, a girl from the restaurant two blocks away (their family owns that as well) showed up with an ice cold rum and coke for me (NO i did NOT ask for it!) well, i drank it (it was 1pm) and next thing i know i was drinking for the next 5 hours (with a short break for dinner). Appearantly this guy does NOT like to drink alone and he LOVES to spend money, soooo i ended up drunk as a skunk on a MONDAY afternoon....something completely new for me. I also ended up at some couples house next to the restaurant (more family) with the guys (the couple is in their 80´s) eating soup, normally i would have been to shy to go, but Hell, i was about 4 drinks in (as least)....ANYWAYS, you can resume reading, and NO yelling at me, it´s not a habit, just a one time deal i guess and i´m OK. As for tuesday thru today, same ól same ól, school. Good news is that a bus picks me up right iN FRONt of my door now so no more wandering through the streets at 615am! Also, i made my student cry today! BUT ONLY BECAUSE I´m frustrated, i KNOW he can write, albeit its at more of a first or second grade level, but he doesn´t want to do it so he shuts down and pouts. I can´t continue to let him draw all the time, so i talked with the director, and until the specialist gets here i´m going to start working on a discipline program....no work=NO drawing and a trip to the office OR no recess)....i´m hoping it works because this kid is so sweet and i hated having to be the bad guy this afternoon AT LEAST, this is really cute, when we got back to the classroom after doing his work in the office, he was still moping and i said ¨Jose, are you angry with me¨and he just sniffled and say ¨mmmhummmm (yes)¨ then i said ¨well, can i still have a hug?¨and he sniffles again and says ¨mmmmhuuummmm¨and gave me a long hug and an ï´m sorry miss¨! Ohhhhhh the little things . Well, i´ve only got a few minutes left on here and i need ot get ready to leave for guatemala. I´m leaving for Antigua at Noon tomorrow and returning monday afternoon. Wish me luck, i´m a little nervous. ALSO, next week i hope to help opeof the teachers a little in his english classes (he teaches TEFL classes from 5-6 pm each night and i need the experience!) OK WILL WRITE AGAIN SOON
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