The Post-Grad Adventure

Hopefully an easier way to keep people updated on my post-graduate adventures!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Hello to all,

-- It's been some time since I've written you all (or updated the blog) but not much of interest has happened and technically I'm on break from my adventures, but I thought I would bring everyone up to speed: As most of you know, I returned home the very beginning of November from Copan, Honduras (and those few exciting trips to Guatemala! From which my ankle STILL hurts). I spent some time with family and a few close friends and bounced around between doctors appointments and various errands. I also spent quite a bit of time sleeping and working to readjust to home which was a little more difficult than I my grandmother said "Does that mean you'll consider not going away again?" to which my response was, "Noooo, I'll just consider not coming back next time!" Anyways, I really apologize to everyone I intended to call and visit with but did not in the first 2.5 weeks back.
-- As I type, I am currently sitting in a library in Germany. I left on the 17th to visit with my mom for the last time. Thus far, I have gone to Brugge, Belgium in order to sight-see and meet my dads side of the family that lives only minutes away. I must say that this was an extraordinary experience, not only are they all beautiful people (inside AND OUT) but they are just absolutely amazing, and their generosity and hospitality goes beyond any words I have at this moment so I'll have to settle for a less profound: They were awesome! I will be leaving tomorrow, the 24th, for 3-4 days in Spain and will return to Michigan the 29th of November. Upon my return I hope to settle into somewhat of a normal life again until my departure.
-- Well, my departure is actually my biggest news. Although I will still be working with WorldTeach, I have switched programs and will no longer be going to Costa Rica in January, but rather CHILE IN FEBRUARY. I felt much happier and more excited over the prospects of this program and feel that I will have an even better experience. In chile, I will live in one of 4 cities (either Santiago, Concepcion, Vina del Mar, or Valparaiso) while working at a "community college" as an english teacer with older students and adults. This trip will indeed take me further than I have ever been before, and to a place where I know nothing of it or it's surroundings, but I'm rather looking forward to it and the mediterranean climate it promises! I will send more details as i get them.

Ok, I better stop taking up your time, especially since tomorrow is thanksgiving day (also my 23rd birthday!!!!). I will get in contact with everyone I promised to when I get back!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Well Well, guess what I got around to doing...I POSTED THE PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!! OK, so you'll notice that i didn't exactly do a good job of taking photos...BUT there's alot of reasons for camera wouldn't work in Antigua, I hated feeling like a tourist, and sometimes i was just plain chicken-s*** and didn't like the idea of carrying expensive stuff with me SOOOOOOOOOO TO that end, there's not much there, and i kinda regret it because I saw some AMAZING enough babbling...go here:

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Micah Project

Was just sent these links today, and think that they should be checked out by all in order to remind yourself or to discover something new about some of the things that really go on in the World...