The Post-Grad Adventure

Hopefully an easier way to keep people updated on my post-graduate adventures!

Friday, March 06, 2009

60 and loving it!

No no, I'M not 60, it's 60 degrees outside! WHOOO HOOOOO! Not only is it warm, and occasionally sunny, I DON'T HAVE TO BE STUCK IN THE OFFICE ALL DAY!!!! I'm thinking I should hurry and take advantage of the weather and finally clean my car. Saying it is long over due, is a drastic understatement. My car is gross inside. My original plan was to pay someone to clean it, BUT since I have the time and should save the money, I will do it myself :-) It won't be as pretty as it would be if somebody detailed it for me, but it will be bearable and less embarrasing. I haven't gotten around to studying yet today, my brains a little burnt out. Taking a break to clean the car would probably be a great idea. This morning I was focused on getting ready to drop off an appliction and making some changes to my resume. I have to take a test tomorrow, so of course I am a bit nervous.

GOTTA GO, don't want to waste from 60 degree March day on here!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The latest piece....

I love the way life works out sometimes....just a little over a week ago I was talking with my dad about my latest "plan". I was contemplating leaving my job in May, instead of July, and rolling around the idea of getting a part time job, and the whole time I still asked myself....."Why don't I just quit now and try to find something in the medical field to get experience?" As always, I grumbled about how nice it might be to have a psychic on hand, once in awhile. All I wanted/needed was an "omen" to help me make a decision, because, the truth is I was held in place by the fear of making the wrong decision. Well, I got my omen!!!! On Thursday I was "let go" from my job. At first I felt humiliated, being escorted to my desk as if I was a criminal. There was also quite a bit of anger towards a few people and some fear of what would happen next. But, then I started to fit the newest piece of the puzzle in with the rest...This was exactly what I had asked for, it was my sign. I was absolutely miserable at Domino's. Every day it felt like the life was being sucked from me as I did absolutely NOTHING to better the World. All I did was push paperwork so that people who already HAVE money, could continue to get more. Since leaving, I've been applying to a bunch of part-time jobs, enjoying my time with Eva and getting my studying done. I'm being frugal and cutting out wasteless spending. Medical insurance for Eva is the one big thing I need to work on right now... Right now I feel really content. And relieved to be out of that place. Since I got pregnant with Eva, things are working out the way they are supposed to. I believe I am on the right path and each big event like this reminds me of that and encourages me to keep going. Even the little things are falling in to place. :-) What more could a girl ask for?