3 weeks down and 9 to go!!!
So, the first quarter of my A&P class is done and going well. I took my first lab practical and scored 23/25. Took the 150 question exam a few days later (crying before I took it!) but won't know the score until next week. I feel so-so about it, I would guess somewhere between a B & C. We went to the cadaveur lab Tuesday night and that was exciting! I was so proud of myself for not feeling sick or grossed out and I was even touching it. I am very lucky to have this experience so early on because imagine how awful it would be to not do that until I was close to getting my degree and would pass out every time I was near a dead or nearly dead body!!! Might put a crimp in my plan...
Eva is well! Extremely, extremely intelligent! The latest baby update e-mail I received said the average 19 month old has a vocabulary of 10-50 words and two-word structures... Eva is sooooooo far beyond that with considerably more than 50 words (knowing such things as OCTOPUS and REFRIDGERATOR). Two-word structures???? FORGET ABOUT IT, this kid is already up to 5 or more ("No touch Eva ear, Mommy!) ("Leave it alone, please") ("Eva want this one") ("Eva no like it") ("Jump the gate deer") ("Baby jennifer share crackers")... I know, I'm bragging, I am just sooooooooooo pround of my baby girl! One last thing though....I had a parent/teacher conference with her toddler room teacher and they did a series of testing/evaluations and she has already hit many of the 2-3 year old milestones.
Well. We've also started the transition to Chelsea. We take some boxes each time we go and unpack them right away. My goal is to move out there completely the last week of June. I will have to get used to being a commuter....sure would be nice if I had done this when gas was only $1.99/gallon!!!
OK, I must get going. Pretty soon I need to start my application for U of M so that I'm not trying to do it all at the very last minute. CUIDATE!